[수능영어] 필수암기단어 제29장 mumble

언어/영어 단어|2020. 2. 25. 17:00

1657. mumble 동: 중얼(웅얼)거리다 명: 웅얼거림

He mumbled a few words of thanks. 

그는 감사의 말을 몇마디 중얼거렸다.

1658. overhear 동: 우연히 듣다

I overheard him saying he was not satisfied with my composition. 

나는 그가 내 작문에 만족하지 않는다고 하는 말을 우연히 들었다.

1659. arouse 동: 자극하다, 일으키다 arousal 명: 자극

A walk before dinner will arouse your appetite. 

식전 산책은 식욕을 일으킨다.

1660. suspend 동: #1 (일시) 중지(정지)하다 #2 매달다 #3 (일시) 보류하다
suspension 명; 매달기; 정지; 보류

The hurricane suspended all ferry service for three days. 

태풍 때문에 3일간 연락선 운행이 전면 중단되었다.

The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 

램프가 천정에 매달려 있었다.

1661. migrate 동: 이주하다
migration 명: 이주, 이동
migratory 형: 이주성의(∼birds 「철새」)
migrant 명: 이주자; 계절 노동자; 철새

1662. relieve 동: #1 덜다(경감하다) #2 안도하게 하다 #3 구제하다
relief 명: 경감; 안심; 구제

His joke relieved the tension in the room. 

그의 농담으로 방안의 긴장이 덜어졌다.

I was relieved to hear you were all right. 

나는 당신이 무사하다는 소식을 듣고 안도했습니다.

The fund relieved the poverty-stricken families. 

그 기금이 가난에 찌든 가구들을 구제했다.

1663. revise 동: 개정(수정)하다
revision 명: 개정, 수정

The editors spent years revising the encyclopedia. 

편집자들은 백과사전 개정에 수년을 보냈다.

1664. assimilate 동: #1 동화하다 #2 소화(이해)하다(= digest)
assimilation 명: 동화, 소화

Many immigrants have difficulty in assimilating. 

많은 이민들이 동화하는 데 어려움이 있다.

A good student assimilates knowledge quickly. 

모범적인 학생은 지식을 빨리 소화한다.

1665. avert 동: 피하다, 막다(= avoid, prevent)

The quick arrival of fire fighters averted a major forest fire. 

소방대원의 신속한 도착으로 큰 산불을 막았다.

1666. harvest 동: 거두어들이다, 수확하다 명: 수확, 추수

Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost. 

첫 서리가 내리기 전에 과일을 수확하도록 하세요.

1667. evaporate 동: 증발시키다, 증발하다
vapor 명: 증기

As it was heated, the water in the dish quickly evaporated. 

가열하자 접시의 물은 곧 증발했다.

1668. crash 동: #1 (요란한 소리를 내며)깨지다(무너지다) #2 충돌하다, 추락하다

The flowerpot crashed to the sidewalk. 

화분이 인도로 떨어져 깨졌다.

The two cars crashed at the intersection. 

두 차가 교차로에서 충돌했다.

1669. devour 동: 게걸스레 먹다, 삼켜버리다

He was so hungry he devoured several helpings. 

그는 너무 배가 고파 음식을 여러 그릇 먹어치웠다.

She devours several historical novels a week. 

그녀는 일주일에 역사소설 수 권을 탐독한다.

1670. desert 동: 버리다, 저버리다
deserted 형: 사람이 없는
desertion 명: 버림, 유기

The police are looking for a woman who deserted her children. 

경찰은 자기 자식들을 버린 여인을 수배중이다.

1671. tread 동: 밟다


Tread softly on the stairs so as not to wake the baby.

아기가 깨지 않도록 계단을 살살 밟으세요.

1672. sacrifice 동: 희생시키다 명: 희생; 산 제물
sacrificial 형: 희생적인, 헌신적인

She sacrificed her whole life to the care of the sick. 

그녀는 병자의 간호에 자기 전 생애를 희생했다.

1673. expire 동: 만기가 되다, 만료되다
expiry 명; 만료, 만기

My ticket expires in six day's time. 

내 티켓은 6일 있으면 기한이 만료된다.

The expiry date on this milk is June 20. 

이 우유의 유효기간 만료일은 6월 20일이다.

1674. scream 동: 소리치다(= shriek) 명: 날카로운 소리

She screamed when she saw the dead body. 

그녀는 시신을 보고 비명을 질렀다.

1675. suck 동: 빨다
sucker 명: 젖먹이 ;멍청이

The vacuum cleaner sucks in dust. 

진공청소기는 먼지를 빨아들인다.

1676. swell 동: #1 부풀다(늘어나다), 붓다 #2 부풀게 하다, 늘리다

His eye swelled painfully after the blow. 

그의 눈은 맞은 후 아프게 부어올랐다.

The guest list swelled to 200 people. 

내빈 명단은 200명으로 불어났다.

1677. irrigate 동: 관개하다 irrigation 명: 관개

The farmers irrigate their fields with water from the river. 

농부들은 논에 강물을 끌어들인다.

1678. govern 동: #1 통치하다 #2 좌우하다, 결정하다

Canada is governed by a prime minister and his cabinet. 

카나다는 수상과 그의 내각이 통치한다.

What factors governed her decision? 

어떤 요인들이 그녀의 결정을 좌우했습니까?

1679. include 동: 포함하다(<-> exclude 「제외하다」)
inclusion 명; 포함


Did you include Aunt Mary among the people you've invited?

초대한 사람들에 메리 아주머니도 포함시켰습니까?

1680. furnish 동: 공급하다, 제공하다(= supply, provide)


They furnished the visitors with refreshments.
(= They furnished refreshments to visitors.)

그들은 방문객들에게 다과를 제공했다.

1681. retire 동: #1 은퇴하다, 퇴직하다 #2 (조용한 곳으로) 가다(= go away)

Grandfather has retired because he is getting old. 

할아버지는 연로하여 은퇴했다.

For relaxation he retires to a remote village in the country. 

휴식을 위해 그는 시골의 외딴 마을로 간다.

1682. infuriate 동: 격분시키다
infuriation 명: 격분

What infuriates me is that train is never on time. 

나를 격분시키는 것은 열차가 한 번도 정시에 도착하지 않은 것이다.

1683. recur 동: 재발하다, 반복하다
recurrence 명: 재발
recurrent 형: 되풀이 되는

If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled. 

이러한 부정행위가 재발하면 너는 퇴교될 것이다.

1684. disgust 동: 31 메스껍게 하다 #2 넌더리나게 하다
명: 혐오감, 정나미 떨어지기
disgusting 형: 메스꺼운, 넌더리 나는

She was disgusted by the smell. 

그녀는 그 냄새에 속이 메스꺼웠다.

She was disgusted at his cowardice. 

그녀는 그의 비겁함에 넌더리가 났다.

1685. foretell 동: 예언하다

Perhaps certain gifted persons can foretell the future. 

아마도 어떤 재능있는 사람들은 미래를 예언할 수 있을 것이다.

You can't foretell how things will turn out in the future. 

장차 일이 어떻게 될 지는 예언할 수 없다.

1686. erupt 동: (화산이)분출하다, 폭발하다
eruption 명: 폭발, 분화

The volcano suddenly erupted. 

화산이 돌연 폭발했다.

1687. tremble 동: 떨다

His hands were trembling from the cold. 

그의 손은 추위로 떨리고 있었다.

The girl's voice trembled and she started to cry. 

그 소녀의 목소리는 떨렸고 울기 시작했다.

1688. enroll 동: 등록하다, 등재하다
enrollment 명: 등록; 등록자(재적)자 수

The school will enroll new students the first week in March. 

학교에서는 3월 첫째주에 신입생 등록을 받는다.

1689. depict 동: 묘사(서술)하다(= describe)
depiction 명: 묘사(서술)

The extent of the disaster can hardly be depicted in words. 

그 참사는 말로 표현할 수 없을 정도이다.

1690. swear 동: #1 맹세하다 #2 욕을 하다(= curse)

He swore never to reveal the secret. 

그는 절대 비밀을 누설하지 않겠다고 맹세했다.

The captain is always swearing at his stew. 

선장은 선원들에게 욕하는 버릇이 있다.

수능 실전독해 Part 2


passage 16
In order to make their dream come true, Mike and Amy decided not to waste money.

By living temporarily with Mike's parents and drastically cutting their leisure expenses,

they hoped to save enough money to buy a modest house in two years.

passage 17
It is often defined as " rule by the majority."

This definition is accurate in that a majority must agree on a decision before action is taken.

However, this definition is somewhat incomplete and rather misleading.

In practical terms, it is more precise to define it as "rule by the majority,

having respect for the right of minority groups and individuals."

passage 18
One reason why I like the beach is its solitary atmosphere.

At the beach I have no witness but the beach.

I can speak and think whatever I wish.

No one interrupts me.

The beach will always be hear to listen to everything I want to say.

passage 19
The objective of some taxes on foreign imports is to protect an industry

that produces goods vital to a nation's defense.

The domestic oil, natural gas, or steel industry, for example,

many require protection because of its importance to national defense.

Without protection, such industries might be weakened by foreign competition.

Then, in an international crisis,

the nation might find itself in short supply of products essential security.

passage 20
Suppose a football game begins at 1: 00 p.m. in New york.

It is than 6 :00 p.m. in London. which time is correct? If an explosion occurred on a star,

scientists on the earth would record the time it happened,

But anyone traveling in another would identify the time differently.

thus there is no absolute time.

passage 21
Millions of people, watching Jim's concert on television,

were asked to phone in pledges of money to give to african relief.

jim raised over one hundred million dollars to provide relief for the drought victims in Africa.

jim's idea paid off.

passage 22
Competition implies a set of rules that govern the conduct of the opposed parties.

In all cases, tricks and physical threats are prohibited.

For instance, when two soccer reams play against one another,

each team tries to score more points than the other.

But points can be scored only in a limited number of right ways,

and the game is governed by a set of rules.

passage 23
The aged live with enforced leisure,

on fixed income, subject to many continual illnesses.

They also live in a culture that worships youth.

They are often treated like outcasts by a kind of culturally

there were rules of courtesy towards all adults.

I still believe old people deserve respect for their experience and wisdom.

I sometimes fear that mine will be the last generation to

have a sense of what growing old means.

passage 24
The most effective way to lose weight is to stay on a balanced diet.

if you want to diet, you should consult a physician

because it is difficult to select for yourself a proper diet.

passage 25
The hall was brilliantly lighted, and decorated with flowers.

the master sat throned in his great chair upon a raised platform,

with the blackboard behind him.

Three rows of benches on each side and six rows in front of him were occupied

by the respectable people of the town and by the parents

who were to take part in the ceremony of the evening.

They were all washed and dressed to an intolerable state of discomfort.

passage 26
We decide what is important or trivial in life.

We decide what we must do and must not.

No matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions,

these choices and decisions are ours to make.

As we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.

passage 27
The primary aims of government should be three: security, justice, and conservation.

these are things of the utmost importance to human happiness,

and they are things that only government can bring about.

At the same time, no one of them is absolute; each may, in some circumstances,

have to be sacrificed in some degree for the sake of a greater degree of some other good.

I shall say something about each in turn.

passage 28

Some universities remain silent on the important issues of the day,

justifying their silence on the grounds that universities are neutral

and should not become involved.

Such unwillingness to participate turns off many students and members of the community

who look to universities for wise leadership.

Campuses should serve s marketplaces for ideas.

By participating in their community, they should provide a genuine service,

even to many who believe that universities are academic in the worst sense of the term.

turn off: 싫증나게 하다; 흥미를 잃게 하다 


passage 29
This letter is to confirm that you will be dismissed from the company effective October 14, 1992.

This action follow our letters of warning dared July 21 and August 17, 1992,

concerning your carelessness in performing the work for which you were employed.

Specific instances were detailed in the letters mentioned and in our recent offensive

and insulting behavior in the Accounting Office.

passage 30
for centuries there has been a tendency for us to think of health only in terms of physical bodies.

The medical community did not look seriously at the possibility that our mind could play

an important role in illness and healing.

Recently, however,

there has been a lot of research that proves (that) our mind affects illness and healing.

A medical center reported that a larger portion of their patients were people

who did not have an organic disease but were seeking psychological help.
