[중학교] 기초 영어문법 제4장 조동사 (2)

언어/영어 문법|2020. 2. 15. 15:00

교과서 문법 완전정리 영문법 완성


제4장 조동사 (2)

주의해야 할 조동사: 

기본적으로 쓰이는 조동사 외에 used to, ought to, need, dare 등도 조동사로 쓰인다. 

이 조동사들의 용법을 잘 익혀 두자.

1. used to (...하곤 했다, 예전에는 ...이었다(...이 있었다))
She used to take a walk every morning. (과거의 습관)
There used to be a church here. (과거의 상태)


2. ought to (...해야 한다)
We ought to help one another. (의무)
You ought not to be late for school.


3. need, dare: 부정문, 의문문에서 조동사로 쓰인다.
He need not go there. (필요)
Need we hurry? - Yes, you must., No, you needn't.

cf. He needs to live with his parents.
He dare not travel alone. (감히 ...하다)
Dare he say such a thing?
cf. She dares to jump across the brook.



1. 다음 문장의 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
(1) You need not (read, to read) this book.
(2) That is the place where our school (would, used to) be when I was a school boy.
(3) He (dare, need) not speak to her because he is shy.
(4) You ought (not eat, not to eat, to not eat) so much.


(2) 과거의 상태, (3) shy (수줍어하는), (4) ought to.의 부정은?

2. 다음 문장을 밑줄 친 부분에 유의하여 우리말로 옮기시오.
(1) I _used to_ walk to school.
(2) Eskimos _are used to_ cold weather.


(2) be used to + 명사 (...에 익숙하다)

3. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.
(보기) ought to, need, dare, used to
(1) You (__) be more careful.
(2) How (__) be you go there alone?
(3) My father (__) be go abroad on business when he was young.
(4) You (__) not come to the office when you are ill.


(1) ...해야 한다, (3) go abroad (외국에 가다), (4) ...할 필요가 없다

4. 다음 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
(1) You don't have to help him.
= You (__) (__) help him.
(2) It was her habit to take a walk before breakfast.
= She (__) (__) take a walk before breakfast.
(3) She doesn't have the courage to do it.
= She (__) (__) do it.
(4) You should look after your children better.
= You (__) (__) look after your children better.



(1) don't have to... (...할 필요가 없다), (2) habit (습관, 버릇), (3) courage (용기)
(4) look after... (...를 돌보다)

5. 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
(1) 우리는 예전에 그들의 이웃에서 살았다.
We (__) (__) live next door to them.
(2) 너는 우산을 가지고 가는 편이 낫다.
You (__) (__) take an umbrella with you.
(3) 도서관에서는 조용히 해야 한다.
You (__) (__) be quiet in the library.
(4) 그는 새 차를 살 필요가 있다.

He (__) (__) buy a new car.


(1) next door to...(...의 이웃에서), (2) had better...(...하는 편이 낫다), 

(4) need.는 긍정문에서는 본동사로 쓰인다.

정답 및 해설


제4장 조동사 (2)
1. (1) read (2) used to (3) dare (4) not to eat
2. (1) 나는 학교에 걸어가곤 했다. (2) 에스키모 인들은 추운 날씨에 익숙하다.
3. (1) ought to (2) dare (3) used to (4) need
4. (1) need not (2) used to (3) dare not (4) ought to
5. (1) used to (2) had better (3) ought 또는 have to (4) needs to
