칼세이건 코스모스 요약 정리

Info/학술 논문|2019. 11. 22. 03:30

1장 코스모스의 바닷가에서 The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean


The first men to be created and formed were called the Sorcerer of Fatal Laughter,

the Sorcerer of Night, Unkempt, and the Black Sorcerer . . 

They were endowed with intelligence, they succeeded in knowing all that there is in the world.

When they looked, instantly they saw all that is around them,

and they contemplated in turn the arc of heaven and the round face of the earth . . 

[Then the Creator said]: ‘They know all . . . what shall we do with them now?

Let their sight reach only to that which is near; let them see only a little of the face of the earth! . . 

Are they not by nature simple creatures of our making? Must they also be gods?’

- The Popol Vuh of the Quiché Maya


Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?

Where is the way to the dwelling of light, And where is the place of darkness . .  ?

- The Book of Job


It is not from space that I must seek my dignity, but from the government of my thought.

I shall have no more if I possess worlds.

By space the universe encompasses and swallows me up like an atom;

by thought I comprehend the world.

- Blaise Pascal, Pensées


The known is finite, the unknown infinite;

intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability.

Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land.

- T. H. Huxley, 1887


우리 인류는 이제 막 코스모스의 바닷가 지구에서 대우주로의 항해를 시작했다. 
대우주를 알아 가는 과정은

인류가, 지구가, 태양이 코스모스의 중심이 아닌 변방임을 알아 가는 과정이었다. 
은하단, 은하, 항성계, 행성까지 코스모스를 구성하고 있는 존재들을 소개하고, 
지구의 둘레를 처음으로 측정한 에라토스테네스 이래 우주를 알기 위한 사람들의 노력을 소개한다.


2장 우주 생명의 푸가 One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue


I am bidden to surrender myself to the Lord of the Worlds. He it is who created you of the dust . . .

- The Koran, Sura 40


The oldest of all philosophies,

that of Evolution, was bound hand and foot and cast into utter darkness

during the millennium of theological scholasticism.

But Darwin poured new lifeblood into the ancient frame; the bonds burst,

and the revivified thought of ancient Greece has proved itself to be a more adequate expression

of the universal order of things than any of the schemes which have been accepted

by the credulity and welcomed by the superstition of 70 later generations of men.

- T. H. Huxley, 1887


Probably all the organic beings

which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form,

into which life was first breathed .... There is grandeur in this view of life . . .

that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity,

from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful

and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1859


A community of matter appears to exist throughout the visible universe,

for the stars contain many of the elements which exist in the Sun and Earth.

It is remarkable that the elements most widely diffused through the host of stars are

some of those most closely connected with the living organisms of our globe,

including hydrogen, sodium, magnesium, and iron.

May it not be that, at least, the brighter stars are like our Sun, the upholding

and energizing centres of systems of worlds, adapted to be the abode of living beings?

- William Huggins, 1865


우주는 생명으로 가득 차 있을지도 모른다. 
미세한 유기 물질에서 진화해 온 지구 생명의 역사를 살펴보고 
목성을 예로 들어 다른 행성에서 살 수 있는 생물을 상상해 봄으로써 인간의 우주적 위치를 재확인한다.


3장 지상과 천상의 하모니 The Harmony of Worlds


Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?

Can you establish their rule on Earth?

- The Book of Job


All welfare and adversity that come to man and other creatures come through

the Seven and the Twelve.

Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, as the Religion says, are the twelve commanders on the side of light;

and the seven planets are said to be the seven commanders on the side of darkness.

And the seven planets oppress all creation and deliver it over to death and all manner of evil:

for the twelve signs of the Zodiac and the seven planets rule the fate of the world.

- The late Zoroastrian book, the Menok i Xrat


To tell us that every species of thing is endowed with an occult specific quality

by which it acts and produces manifest effects, is to tell us nothing;

but to derive two or three general principles of motion from phenomena,

and afterwards to tell us how the properties and actions of all corporeal things follow

from those manifest principles, would be a very great step.

- Isaac Newton, Optics


We do not ask for what useful purpose the birds do sing,

for song is their pleasure since they were created for singing.


we ought not to ask why the human mind troubles to fathom the secrets of the heavens . . .

The diversity of the phenomena of Nature is so great,

and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich,

precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.

- Johannes Kepler, Mysterium Cosmographicum


천문학의 발전은 우리의 우주관을 송두리째 바꿔 왔다. 
천체의 변화를 관측해 달력을 만들고 점을 쳤던 고대인들의 손에서

종교와 미신과 뒤섞인 채 탄생한 천문학이 
프톨레마이오스, 코페르니쿠스, 튀코 브라헤, 케플러, 뉴턴을 거쳐 과학으로 발전해 나간 과정을 알아본다. 
그리고 그 과정에서 시대의 편견, 심지어의 개인적 확신과도 싸워야 했던 선배 과학자들의 용기를 조명한다.


4장 천국과 지옥  Heaven and Hell


Nine worlds I remember.

- The Icelandic Edda of Snorri Sturluson, 1200


I am become death, the shatterer of worlds.

- Bhagavad Gita


The doors of heaven and hell are adjacent and identical.

- Nikos Kazantzakis, The Last Temptation of Christ


지구는 아주 작고 연약한 세계이다. 
지구는 소행성의 충돌, 공전 궤도의 미세한 변화 같은 우주로부터의 위협에 노출되어 있으며 
인류의 자기 파멸적인 행동에 고통받고 있다. 
칼 세이건은 혜성 충돌로 일어났던 퉁구스카 사건을 시작으로 수많은 운석공을 가진 달, 
두터운 이산화탄소 대기로 지옥 같은 지표열과 압력에 시달리는 금성을 설명하면서 
지구를 천국으로 만들지, 금성 같은 지옥으로 만들지 그것은 바로

인류의 손에 달려 있음을 생생하게 보여 준다.


5장 붉은 행성을 위한 블루스 Blues for a Red Planet


In the orchards of the gods, he watches the canals . . .

- Enuma Elish, Sumer, c. 2500 B.C.


A man that is of Copernicus’ Opinion,

that this Earth of ours is a Planet, carry’d round and enlightn’d by the Sun, like the rest of them,

cannot but sometimes have a fancy . . .

that the rest of the Planets have their Dress and Furniture,

nay and their Inhabitants too as well as this Earth of ours . . .

But we were always apt to conclude,

that ’twas in vain to enquire after what Nature had been pleased to do there,

seeing there was no likelihood of ever coming to an end of the Enquiry . . .

but a while ago, thinking somewhat seriously on this matter

(not that I count my self quicker sighted than those great Men [of the past],

but that I had the happiness to live after most of them) me thoughts the Enquiry was

not so impracticable nor the way so stopt up with Difficulties,

but that there was very good room left for probable Conjectures.

- Christian Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds,

Their Inhabitants and Productions, c. 1690


A time would come when Men should be able to stretch out their Eyes . . .

they should see the Planets like our Earth.

- Christopher Wren, Inauguration Speech, Gresham College, 1657


예로부터 화성은 미신과 공상의 대상이었다. 
화성에 얽힌 사람들의 열정과 노력을 이야기하고, 
현재 진행되고 있는 화성 탐사 계획에 대해 소개한다. 
잊혀진 화성 연구가 조반니 스키아파렐리, 퍼시벌 로웰이 불러일으켰던 화성 운하 논쟁을 언급하면서 
사람들이 가졌던 화성 탐사의 꿈, 우주 탐험에 대한 동경을 이야기하고 
1976년 7월 화성 표면에 착륙에 역사상 처음으로 인류에게

화성 지표면의 영상과 연구 자료를 보내 준 바이킹 계획과 화성 생명 탐사 계획에 대해 소개한다.


6장 여행자가 들려준 이야기 Travelers’ Tales


Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world?

This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature.

- Albertus Magnus, thirteenth century


In the first ages of the world,

the islanders either thought themselves to be the only dwellers upon the earth,

or else if there were any other,

yet they could not possibly conceive how they might have any commerce with them,

being severed by the deep and broad sea, but the aftertimes found out the invention of ships . . .

So, perhaps, there may be some other means invented for a conveyance to the Moone . . .

We have not now any Drake or Columbus to undertake this voyage,

or any Daedalus to invent a conveyance through the aire.

However I doubt not but that time who is still the father of new truths,

and hath revealed unto us many things which our ancestors were ignorant of,

will also manifest to our posterity that which we now desire but cannot know.

- John Wilkins, The Discovery of a World in the Moone, 1638


We may mount from this dull Earth; and viewing it from on high,

consider whether Nature has laid out all her cost and finery upon this small speck of Dirt.

So, like Travellers into other distant countries,

we shall be better able to judge of what’s done at home, know how to make a true estimate of,

and set its own value upon every thing. We shall be less apt to admire what this World calls great,

shall nobly despise those Trifles the generality of Men set their Affections on,

when we know that there are a multitude of such Earths inhabited and adorn’d as well as our own.

- Christiaan Huygens, The Celestial Worlds Discovered, c. 1690


보이저 우주선은 태양계라고 하는 새로운 세계를 개척했다. 
결코 돌아오지 않을 방랑자, 보이저 호가 인류에게 준 선물, 
즉 목성, 토성 그리고 그 위성들 속에 감춰진 이야기를 들려준다. 
또 지구 중심주의, 인류 중심주의에 매몰되어 있던 17세기에 과감하게 세계의 다양성을 주장하고 
토성의 고리를 발견하는 등 천문학의 발전에 크게 기여한 크리스티안 하위헌스를 소개한다.


7장 밤하늘의 등뼈 The Backbone of Night


They came to a round hole in the sky . . . glowing like fire. This, the Raven said, was a star.

- Eskimo creation myth


I would rather understand one cause than be King of Persia.

- Democritus of Abdera


Bur Aristarchus of Samos brought out a book consisting of some hypotheses,

in which the premises lead to the result

that the universe is many times greater than that now so called.

His hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the Sun remain unmoved,

that the Earth revolves about the Sun in the circumference of a circle,

the Sun lying in the middle of the orbit, and that the sphere of the fixed stars,

situated about the same center as the Sun,

is so great that the circle in which he supposes the Earth to revolve bears

such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the center of the sphere bears to its surface.

- Archimedes, The Sand Reckoner


If a faithful account was rendered of Man’s ideas upon Divinity,

he would be obliged to acknowledge,

that for the most part the word ‘gods’ has been used to express the concealed, remote,

unknown causes of the effects he witnessed;

that he applies this term when the spring of the natural,

the source of known causes, ceases to be visible:

as soon as he loses the thread of these causes,

or as soon as his mind can no longer follow the chain,

he solves the difficulty, terminates his research, by ascribing it to his gods . . .

When, therefore, he ascribes to his gods the production of some phenomenon . . .

does he, in fact, do any thing more than substitute for the darkness of his own mind,

a sound to which he has been accustomed to listen with reverential awe?

- Paul Heinrich Dietrich, Baron von Holbach, Système de la Nature, London, 1770


사람들에게 은하수는 무엇이었을까 사람들은 우주를 어떻게 생각했을까
인류가 대지 위에 선 이래 가슴속에 품어 온 우주관의 역사를 다룬다. 
그리고 지금으로부터 2500년 전 에게 해 연안에서 신화적-미신적 사고를 배격한 
과학적 사고의 싹을 틔웠던 이오니아 과학자들, 즉 
탈레스, 아낙시만드로스, 히포크라테스, 엠페도클레스, 데모크리토스, 아낙사고라스, 
피타고라스 등의 업적과 한계를 들려준다.


8장 시간과 공간을 가르는 여행 Travels in Space and Time


No one has lived longer than a dead child, and Methusula* died young.

Heaven and Earth are as old as I, and the ten thousand things are one.

- Chuang Tzu, about 300 B.C., China


* Actually, P’eng Tsu, the Chinese equivalent.


We have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

- Tombstone epitaph of two amateur astronomers


Stars scribble in our eyes the frosty sagas, The gleaming cantos of unvanquished space.

- Hart Crane, The Bridge


우리는 우주여행을 실현할 수 있을까 
우주여행은 우리를 무한한 우주 공간과 영원한 시간 속으로 안내한다. 
다이달로스 계획,

오리온 계획 같은 항성 간 우주여행을 가능하게 해 줄 기술과 우주선에 대해 소개하고 
우주여행의 지침이 될 상대성 이론에 대해 알아본다.


9장 별들의 삶과 죽음 The Lives of the Stars


Opening his two eyes, [Ra, the Sun god] cast light on Egypt,

he separated night from day.

The gods came forth from his mouth and mankind from his eyes.

All things took their birth from him,

the child who shines in the lotus and whose rays cause all beings to live.

- An incantation from Ptolemaic Egypt


God is able to create particles of matter of several sizes and figures . . .

and perhaps of different densities and forces, and thereby to vary the laws of Nature,

and make worlds of several sorts in several parts of the Universe. At least,

I see nothing of contradiction in all this.

- Isaac Newton, Optics


We had the sky, up there, all speckled with stars,

and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them,

and discuss about whether they was made, or only just happened.

- Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn


I have . . . a terrible need . . . shall I say the word? . . . of religion.

Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

- Vincent van Gogh


별들도 태어나고 자라고 늙고 죽는다. 
별들의 삶과 죽음 사이에서 생명이 태어났다. 
우리와 여타 생물을 구성하는 물질들은

핵융합 반응이 일어나는 적색 거성, 청색 거성의 중심부에서 만들어졌다. 
수십억 년의 삶을 사는 별의 죽음은 수십 년의 인생을 사는 우리의 기원이 되었다. 
별의 탄생부터 초신성 폭발을 통한 죽음까지의 일생과 생명의 기원을 연결하는 고리를 추적한다.

10장 영원의 벼랑 끝 The Edge of Forever


There is a thing confusedly formed, Born before Heaven and Earth.

Silent and void It stands alone and does not change, Goes round and does not weary.

It is capable of being the mother of the world.

I know not its name So I style it ‘The Way.’

I give it the makeshift name of ‘The Great.’

Being great, it is further described as receding, Receding,

it is described as far away, Being far away, it is described as turning back.

- Lao-tse, Tao Te Ching (China, about 600 B.C.)


There is a way on high, conspicuous in the clear heavens,

called the Milky Way, brilliant with its own brightness.

By it the gods go to the dwelling of the great Thunderer and his royal abode . . .

Here the famous and mighty inhabitants of heaven have their homes.

This is the region which I might make bold to call the Palatine [Way] of the Great Sky.

- Ovid, Metamorphoses (Rome, first century)


Some foolish men declare that a Creator made the world.

The doctrine that the world was created is ill-advised, and should be rejected.

If God created the world, where was He before creation?

. . .How could God have made the world without any raw material?

If you say He made this first, and then the world, you are faced with an endless regression

. . . Know that the world is uncreated, as time itself is, without beginning and end.

And it is based on the principles . . .

- The Mahapurana (The Great Legend), Jinasena (India, ninth century)


우주는 고정되어 있지 않다. 
우주는 대폭발 이후 끊임없이 팽창해 왔다. 
그렇다면 우주 운명은 어떻게 될까. 
끊임없이 팽창하는 우주일까, 아니면 일정 시점부터 수축으로 돌아설까. 
그것도 아니면 팽창과 수축을 반복하는 순환 우주일까.
우주의 시작과 종말에 얽힌 비밀을 밝혀 본다.

11장 미래로 띄운 편지 The Persistence of Memory


Now that the destinies of Heaven and Earth have been fixed;

Trench and canal have been given their proper course;

The banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates have been established;

What else shall we do? What else shall we create?

Oh Anunaki, you great gods of the sky, what else shall we do?

- The Assyrian account of the creation of Man, 800 B.C.


When he, whoever of the gods it was, had thus arranged in order and resolved that chaotic mass,

and reduced it, thus resolved, to cosmic parts,

he first moulded the Earth into the form of a mighty ball so that it might be of like form on every side . . .

And, that no region might be without its own forms of animate life,

the stars and divine forms occupied the floor of heaven,

the sea fell to the shining fishes for their home, Earth received the beasts, and the mobile air the birds . . .

Then Man was born: . . . though all other animals are prone, and fix their gaze upon the earth,

he gave to Man an uplifted face and bade him stand erect and turn his eyes to heaven.

- Ovid, Metamorphoses, first century


우리는 오랫동안 유전자와 뇌와 도서관에 어마어마한 기억을 축적해 왔다. 
유전자와 두뇌의 정보 처리 원리 등을 설명하고, 외계 생물과의 정보 교신 가능성에 대해 소개한다. 
보이저 호에 실어 코스모스의 바다로 띄워 보낸 우리의 기억에 대해 이야기한다.

12장 은하 대백과사전 Encyclopaedia Galactica


‘What are you? From where did you come?

I have never seen anything like you.’

The Creator Raven looked at Man and was . . . surprised to find

that this strange new being was so much like himself.

- An Eskimo creation myth


Heaven is founded, Earth is founded, Who now shall be alive, oh gods?

- The Aztec chronicle, The History of the Kingdoms


I know some will say, we are a little too bold in these Assertions of the Planets,

and that we mounted hither by many Probabilities, one of which,

if it chanced to be false, and contrary to our Supposition, would, like a bad Foundation,

ruin the whole Building, and make it fall to the ground.

But . . . supposing the Earth, as we did, one of the Planets of equal dignity

and honor with the rest, who would venture to say,

that nowhere else were to be found any that enjoy’d the glorious sight of Nature’s Opera?

Or if there were any Fellow-Spectators,

yet we were the only ones that had dived deep to the secrets and knowledge of it?

- Christiaan Huygens in New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds,

Their Inhabitants and Productions, c. 1690


The author of Nature . . . has made it impossible for us to have any communication from

this earth with the other great bodies of the universe, in our present state;

and it is highly possible that he has likewise cut off all communication betwixt the other planets,

and betwixt the different systems . . .

We observe, in all of them, enough to raise our curiosity,

but not to satisfy it . . .

It does not appear to be suitable to the wisdom that shines throughout all nature,

to suppose that we should see so far, and have our curiosity so much raised . . .

only to be disappointed at the end . . .

This, therefore,

naturally leads us to consider our present state as only the dawn or beginning of our existence,

and as a state of preparation or probation for farther advancement . . .

- Colin Maclaurin, 1748


There cannot be a language more universal and more simple, more free from errors and obscurities . . .

more worthy to express the invariable relations of natural things [than mathematics].

It interprets [all phenomena] by the same language,

as if to attest the unity and simplicity of the plan of the universe,

and to make still more evident that unchangeable order which presides over all natural causes.

- Joseph Fourier, Analytic Theory of Heat, 1822


외계 지적 생명은 과연 존재할까. 
UFO는 정말 외계에서 온 것일까. 
외계 지적 생명의 존재 가능성을 추산하는 드레이크 방정식을 소개하고, 
그들을 찾으려는 인류의 노력을 알아본다.

13장 누가 우리 지구를 대변해 줄까? Who Speaks for Earth?


To what purpose should I trouble myself in searching out the secrets of the stars,

having death or slavery continually before my eyes?

- A question put to Pythagoras by Anaximenes (c. 600 B.C.), according to Montaigne


How vast those Orbs must be, and how inconsiderable this Earth,

the Theatre upon which all our mighty Designs, all our Navigations,

and all our Wars are transacted, is when compared to them.

A very fit consideration, and matter of Reflection,

for those Kings and Princes who sacrifice the Lives of so many People,

only to flatter their Ambition in being Masters of some pitiful corner of this small Spot.

- Christiaan Huygens, New Conjectures Concerning the Planetary Worlds,

Their Inhabitants and Productions, c. 1690


‘To the entire world,’ added our Father the Sun, ‘I give my light and my radiance;

I give men warmth when they are cold;

I cause their fields to fructify and their cattle to multiply;

each day that passes I go around the world to secure a better knowledge of men’s needs

and to satisfy those needs. Follow my example.’

- An Inca myth recorded in ‘The Royal Commentaries’ of Garcilaso de la Vega, 1556


We look back through countless millions of years

and see the great will to live struggling out of the intertidal slime,

struggling from shape to shape and from power to power,

crawling and then walking confidently upon the land,

struggling generation after generation to master the air,

creeping down into the darkness of the deep;

we see it turn upon itself in rage and hunger and reshape itself anew,

we watch it draw nearer and more akin to us, expanding, elaborating itself,

pursuing its relentless inconceivable purpose,

until at last it reaches us and its being beats through our brains and arteries . . .

It is possible to believe that all the past is but the beginning of a beginning,

and that all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.

It is possible to believe that all that the human mind has ever accomplished is

but the dream before the awakening . . . Out of our . . . lineage, minds will spring,

that will reach back to us in our littleness to know us better than we know ourselves.

A day will come, one day in the unending succession of days,

when beings, beings who are now latent in our thoughts and hidden in our loins,

shall stand upon this earth as one stands upon a footstool,

and shall laugh and reach out their hands amidst the stars.

- H. G. Wells, ‘The Discovery of the Future,’ Nature 65, 326 (1902)


우리는 끊임없는 분쟁 속에 살고 있다. 
우리는 지구를 수백 번도 더 파괴할 수 있는 무기를 가지고 있다. 
우리는 이 문제를 어떻게 해결해야 하는가? 
핵전쟁의 위협, 과학 기술의 오용이 가져다줄 수 있는 피해를 막고, 
우리의 미래, 우리의 과학, 지구의 미래를 위한 길은 과연 무엇일까를 고찰해 본다. 

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