[중학교] 기초 영어문법 제23장 강조 구문

언어/영어 문법|2020. 2. 17. 01:00

교과서 문법 완전정리 영문법 완성


제23장 강조 구문

강조 어구를 사용하는 등 여러 가지 방법으로 문장의 어느 특정한 부분을 강조한 것을 

강조 구문이라고 한다.

1. It is ~ that .... 강조 구문: It is 와 that 사이에 있는 어구를 강조한다.
I met your sister in the park yesterday.
-> It was your sister that(who, whom) I met in the park yesterday.
-> It was in the park that(where) I met your sister yesterday.
-> It was yesterday that(when) I met your sister in the park.

강조하는 어구가 사람의 직업, 신분 등을 나타낼 경우에는 that 대신 who 를 쓰지 않는다.
It is a pianist that Jane wants to become.

2. 어구에 의한 강조
When ever did I drop it? -> 의문사 강조
Where on earth have you been? -> 의문사 강조
I didn't go out at all yesterday. -> 부정문 강조
It was the very book I had been looking for. -> 명사 강조
Mary is kindness itself. -> 명사 강조
You yourself told me the story. -> 대명사, 고유명사 강조
(= You told me the story yourself.)
You do look happy. -> 동사 강조
Do be silent! -> 명령문 강조
She is much more beautiful than her sister. -> 비교급 강조
She speaks English far better than he. -> 비교급 강조


1. 다음 문장에서 강조 어구를 찾아 쓰시오.
(1) John didn't get better. In fact, he became much worse.
(2) He worked well whenever he did work.
(3) The play was not interesting in the least.
(4) He is still taller than his brother.


(1) get better (더 나아지다), (3) not... in the least (전혀 ~않다)

2. It is ~ that.... 구문을 사용하여 밑줄 친 부분을 강조하여 쓰시오.
(1) She arrived there _after three days_. -> (__) 
(2) 1 saw Mary _at the station_ yesterday. -> (__)
(3) Tom broke _the window_ last night. -> (__)

보충학습: It is 와 that 사이에 강조하고자 하는 어구를 넣는다.

3. 다음 중 보기의 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오.
(보기) Jane _herself_ made the doll.
#1 He killed _himself_.
#2 The boy is only five years old, but he can wash _himself_.
#3 I saw her do it _myself_.
#4 She looked at _herself_ in the mirror.
#5 History repeats _itself_.

보충학습: 재귀대명사의 강조용법(이 때 재귀대명사를 생략해도 문장의 뜻에는 변함이 없다.)

4. 두 문장의 뜻이 같아지도록 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
(1) The storekeeper was very kind. -> The storekeeper was kindness (__). 
(2) Where in the world does she mean? -> Where (__) (__) does she mean?


어구에 의한 강조

5. 괄호 안에 주어진 어구를 사용하여 다음 우리말을 영작하시오.
(1) 비난받아야 할 사람은 바로 당신이다. (It is ~ that...) 
(2) 나는 너보다 훨씬 더 빨리 달릴 수 있다. (much)
(3) 그는 내가 찾고 있는 바로 그 사람이다. (the very ... that)


(2) much, still, far, even 등의 부사는 비교급을 그 앞에서 강조한다.

정답 및 해설

제23장 강조구문
1. (1) much (2) did (3) in the least (4) still
2. (1) It was after three days that she arrived there.

(2) It was at the station that I saw Mary yesterday.

(3) It was the window that Tom broke last night.
3. #3
4. (1) itself (2) on earth
5. (1) It is you that are to blame. (2) 1 can run much faster than you.

(3) He is the very man that I am looking for.
