[중학교] 기초 영어문법 종합정리문제 제6회 수동태

언어/영어 문법|2020. 2. 17. 02:00


1. 다음 중 수동태로 바꿀 수 _없는_ 것은?
#1 She must take care of the baby.
#2 The news surprised us.
#3 Do it at once.
#4 Her new dress becomes her well.
#5 I named my dog Tiger.

다음을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰시오. (2~4)
2. She made us work hard. -> (__) 
3. I saw my dog cross the street. -> (__)
4. Nobody can solve this problem. -> (__)

5. 다음 문장에서 _잘못된_ 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.
Little I thought that such an accident would take place.

6. 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 전치사를 순서대로 나열한 것은?
The girl was married (__) a rich merchant.
He was delighted (__) (__) this idea.
#1 with-by, #2 to-with, #3 by-with, #4 with-with, #5 with-to

7. 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈 칸을 채우시오.
She is fond of traveling, and I am fond of traveling, too.
= She is fond of traveling, and (__) (__) (__).

주어진 표현을 사용하여 다음 우리말을 영작하시오. (8~9)
8. 그 의사는 흰 옷을 입고 있었다. (dressed in) -> (__) 
9. 나는 그녀에게 비웃음을 샀다. (laughed at) -> (__)

10. 다음 중 어법상 옳지 _않은_ 것은?
#1 He was very poor when young.
#2 On the door was her name.
#3 Never have I seen such a sight.

#4 Mary is kindness herself.
#5 When ever did I drop it?

11. 다음 대화의 빈 칸에 알맞은 말은?
A: May I take your order?
B: I'd like to see the menu, please.
A: (__)
#1 Here you are.
#2 Thanks a lot.
#3 OK. Let's see.
#4 At any rate.
#5 Please come this way.

12. 다음 문장을 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.
I was blown off my hat by the wind. -> I (__).

13. 다음 중 수동태 전환이 _잘못된_ 것은?
#1 Everyone knows the secret. -> The secret is known to everyone.
#2 She reminds me of my sister. -> I am reminded of my sister by her.
#3 Who will look after the child? -> By whom will the child be looked after?
#4 Don't forget my words. -> Let my words be not forgotten.
#5 We cannot depend upon him. -> He cannot be depended upon.


It is ~ that... 구문으로 밑줄 친 부분을 강조하시오. (14~15)
14. _She_ sent me the flower. -> (__) 
15. He wants to become _a poet_. -> (__)

다음 문장에서 생략될 수 있는 부분을 모두 고르시오. (16~17)
16. If a man is out of sight, he will go out of mind.
17. This is under repairs.

글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (18~20)
The new settlers struggled _#a_ the difficulties

and in the next fall they had their first good harvest _#b_ the help of the Indians.
To celebrate it and to thank God they had a feast.

This celebration became a tradition and _#c_ call Thanksgiving.
Now every year in November, Thanksgiving Day #d_celebrate_ in America.

18. 빈 칸 #a 와 #b 에 알맞은 것은?
#1 to-for, #2 to-with, #3 for-with, #4 against-for, #5 against-with


19. 밑줄 친 #c 와 #d 를 알맞은 형태로 고친 것은?
#1 was called-is celebrated
#2 was calling-is celebrating
#3 is called-is celebrating
#4 is calling-is celebrated
#5 is called-was celebrated

20. 윗 글은 무엇에 관한 글인가?

#1 Indians, #2 The Harvest, #3 The Feast, #4 Thanksgiving, #5 The New Settlers

정답 및 해설


1. #4 2. We were made to work hard by her.

3. My dog was seen to cross the street by me.

4. This problem cannot be solved by anybody. 5. 1 thought -> did I think

6. #2 7. So am 1. 8. The doctor was dressed in white. 9. 1 was laughed at by her.

10. #4 11. #1 12. had my hat blown off by the wind. 13. #4

14. It was she that sent me the flower. 15. It is a poet that he wants to become.

16. If a man is, he will go 17. This is 18. #5 19. #1 20. #4

1. become (...에 어울리다)는 수동태로 바꿀 수 없다.
6. be married to... (...와 결혼하다), be delighted with... (...에 기뻐하다)
13. #4 -> Let my words not be forgotten. 또는 Don't let my words be forgotten.
17. 수리중
18~20. 새 개척자들은 난관과 싸웠으며,

다음 해 가을에 그들은 인디언들의 도움을 받아 첫 풍작을 거두었다.

그것을 기념하고 하나님께 감사하기 위해 그들은 축제를 열었다.

이 축전이 전통이 되었으며, 추수감사절이라고 불려졌다.

현재 미국에서는 추수감사절이 매년 11월에 기념되고 있다.
